Monday, June 13, 2011


Ok, so now you have a bit of history as to why I get a bit alarmed when a piece of equipment is started up outside.  Whether my husband is mowing, weed whacking or getting out the heavy shears...something is going to happen.  He also has no regard to open windows while mowing.  By the time I realize he is mowing, dust has blown through at least one entire side of the house.  It is a virtual dust storm outside and now in my house.  I've tried and tried to get him to understand the mess it all makes but again he is the honey badger.

The asparagus patch is about 10 feet by 20 feet and is right in the middle of the yard.  You can't miss it.   We have owned this little slice of heaven since 1993 and over the years my husband has gotten closer and closer and closer to the patch while mowing.  This particular spring day I come out of the bathroom to the sounds of mowing and think "Oh, he's mowing.  That's good.  It will keep him busy for about 2 hours.".  While I hum a little song in my head, the alarm goes off...oh crap he's mowing run for the windows.  Too late!!!  Dust is everywhere in the kitchen, dining area and laundry room.  Nice.  As I rush to close the windows, although why I do this I do not know because the dust is already on everything, I notice him on the John Deere tractor mowing dangerously close to the asparagus patch.  I had just harvested the 1st crop a few days ago and was anxiously waiting for the second crop.

I wait until he is well away from the asparagus because I can't always count on him seeing me.  He stays more focused than me.  I am the perfect example of "I think I have adult ADD....oh look a chicken, or a shiny, or whatever.  When the coast is clear I casually walk over to the asparagus to discover to my horror that it has finally happened!  My husband has mowed a 3 foot strip of asparagus.  I am wondering "Does he have no clue or is he going to wait until I discover it to fess up?".  I STOMP, STOMP, STOMP over to my husband and wave him down.  His face tells exactly what he doesn't want to admit he is thinking "What can be so important that you had to interrupt me?".  As calmly and slowly as I can muster (hey no spell check on that word) I say "Honey, you just mowed over a large patch of asparagus.".  He says and not so calmly I might add "I DID NOT!  I wouldn't do that!  It spreads you know!!  Don't you think I would know if I ran over the asparagus?". (Apparently not dear!) He is not calm because he has had to stop the mower to hear me.  I'm thinking to myself "Why would I make this up? Does he think I'm lying?  Why would I make this up?".  What I say is "Come on, let's take a look.", because it makes no sense to argue about it right now.

So, we both STOMP, STOMP, STOMP over to the patch and the evidence is right there!!  There sure is nothing like being told you are wrong when your are absolutely sure you are right and the evidence is staring you both in the face.  I say "Look!".  He says "Oh." and walks away to continue mowing.  I'm just standing there very puzzled.  I then spend the next few minutes gathering up tonight's side dish from the lawn.  (It was lightly brushed with rosemary olive oil, grilled and very tasty.)  Beautiful, perfect stalks of asparagus are have been thrown everywhere.  It would have been kinda funny it I wasn't so darn mad. More stomping as a look around the yard for anything mark the obvious.  The asparagus patch is now adorned with every tall lawn ornament I own.  To which my husband says "So, ya marked it huh?".

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